>Based on information by "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" - thanks.
>"We know that orlanthi know Seven Ways to Enchant Iron!"
>Inginew's, Humakt's, Babester's, Storm Bull's (the four normal ways)
Inginew *is* Humakt's way of enchanting iron and the Heorting version of Storm Bull does not have any iron enchantment magic and the Praxians are less likely to. That said, Urox does have some relationship with Iron, namely his Iron Horns that he used to kill Ragnaglar.
>Orlanth's, Maran's, Lhankor Mhy's! (upper, lower and no-way)
Orlanth's enchant iron is now a feat of Vingkot Champion and is likely to be more common among the Heortlings than Babeester Gor. (His enchant silver looks like a thinko for tin but I continue to believe that one is the refined version of the other or somesuch). Maran Gor doesn't have any known subcult that deals with enchanting iron
>It much amuses me to think of king's redsmith doing the iron works
>co-operating with the king's sage who is beard trembling mumbling
>misapplied mumbojumbo from some Torvald scroll fragment. :)
Torvald's magic is not misapplied but spell magic. Given the rarity of the scrolls (only 147 scrolls in total for _all_ types of spells in the Holy Country and Dragon Pass presumably), the odds of a tribal king with a sage that has an enchant is remote.
Thinking over the lack of Marangor's and Urox's enchant iron skills in HeroQuest, there is one thing they do have in common - both beat up Lodril or Veskarthen as the Heortlings call him.
A solution might then be to make Inginew Redson a shared subcult with Urox* and Maran Gor. One could also try and worship him as a subcult of Veskarthen (like Gustbran except that the bronze affinity is replaced with the enchant sword affinity).
*Storm Tribes description of the Uroxi as being Styrmen or better does make mechanics of belonging to another subcult difficult. I would play it as an additional subcult with extra time and resource penalties rather than allow an styrman to substitute one affinity for the enchant sword/ horns of iron affinity.
--Peter Metcalfe
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