> > What's the source for this?
> I'll check once I'm home, but I seem to remember KoS on the
> duties of a tribal king.
KoS p256.
And in fact it's a bit more ambiguous than my memory suggested.
"The king... must employ a master smith and a master brewer."
"Smith" - not blacksmith.
However, if we assume that this smith MAY be a blacksmith...
What are the chances of anyone who has the skill to work iron not also having the ability to enchant it? So far the only cults I've found able to do this are the afore-mentioned Inginew Redson (Humakt subcult, smith specialist) and Babeester Gor. Have I missed any? Are there people who would be outside these cults, without access to anyone who could work the magic of these cults, and still able to work iron?
If they do have the ability to enchant it, is there any reason for them to produce non-enchanted iron items?
And once we've settled that, do we still have a significant proportion of the iron items in games interfering with magic? Or can we carry on with the world mostly as it was before the new rules came in?
I can just imagine what the RQ-players I'm trying to convert to HQ would say if they knew all their nice iron equipment was about to be rendered useless ... :( then again, having fancy armour that stops anyone healing you makes for good drama! A compromise that let us have the best of both worlds would be nice.
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