>AFAIR, a tribal king has to have an iron-smith (and a brewer).
What's the source for this?
>I assume the iron-smith belongs to a cult that teaches her to work iron.
>What cult will that be, and is there any chance that she will not be
>able to also enchant iron?
What's wrong with Inginew Redson (Storm Tribe p103)?
>Having settled that, if the tribal king tells her iron-smith to enchant
>some iron, what are the chances of a negative response?
The availability of Iron Ore would be the most obvious limit. If the smith is in the employ of the King, which is not a given, then the King is already forking over large number of cows to keep the smith in the lifestyle to which he is accustomed. If so, the smith would be making fine weapons for his lord and chief retainers and would not be outfitting an army.
--Peter Metcalfe
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