I'll check once I'm home, but I seem to remember KoS on the duties of a tribal king.
> >I assume the iron-smith belongs to a cult that
> teaches her to work iron.
> >What cult will that be, and is there any chance
> that she will not be
> >able to also enchant iron?
> What's wrong with Inginew Redson (Storm Tribe p103)?
Probably nothing, if that's the Humakti sub-cult I refered to earlier. I found that plus Babs Gor, and wondered if there were others.
> >Having settled that, if the tribal king tells her
> iron-smith to enchant
> >some iron, what are the chances of a negative
> response?
> The availability of Iron Ore would be the most
> obvious limit.
That was my thought.
> If
> so, the smith would be making fine weapons for his
> lord and
> chief retainers and would not be outfitting an army.
also my thought. But the chances of him producing an iron weapon and *not* enchanting it...?
Jane Williams
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