It was pointed out that the new Roolz talk about the bad effects on magic of non-enchanted iron ("refined" =!= "enchanted"), and forget to say that just as in the old days, if you enchant it, it doesn't wreck magic and is still useful. So.....
> >Who can enchant your iron these days?
> >Checking cult writeups.... Looks like Humakt (Inginew Redson
> subcult)
> >and Babeester Gor. And they can do it for anyone, it's not
> just the old
> >limit of only beng able to do it for your own equipment.
AFAIR, a tribal king has to have an iron-smith (and a brewer). I assume the iron-smith belongs to a cult that teaches her to work iron. What cult will that be, and is there any chance that she will not be able to also enchant iron?
Having settled that, if the tribal king tells her iron-smith to enchant some iron, what are the chances of a negative response?
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 30
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