>But, tell ye, was was Subere Humakt's mother before Humakt found
>the Death? Or was it forever true only after? Trying to answer,
>IMHO Subere had Humakt made inside her because of what Humakt did.
We are talking about GodTime, so there realy isn't any point in getting all hung up about the literal historical sequence of events when these aren't literal events, and aren't historical.
>But, that aside, myths in glorantha are often IMO far more than
>symbolic. What I think is purely symbolic are small contradictions
>in myth. - Depends on what one means with 'purely symbolic' though. -
>ZZabur can be said to be purely symbolic - he might say it himself.
I think you underestimate the fundamental importance of symbolism in Glorantha, after all the foundational building blocks of Gloranthan magical reality are symbols - the Runes.
Simon Hibbs
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