I'm pretty darn certain that there is no relationship whatsoever between Vingkot and Vith.
>Vingkots mother was Janerra Alone, and she was of On Jorri folk
>strangers - _now, maybe she was of the mystic East?_ That way, we
>might find out that Vingkot's two wives and innate highness were
>not just his own choices, but to some extent derived indirectly
>through motherly influences from Vithela and Vithalash.
Janeera Alone was not from the mystic East. She was likely from one of people between Kerofinea and the Solar Empire. On the Arcane Lore map, it would appear that the On Jorri folk resided in Saird. Then again, those maps probably shouldn't be taken as literal correspondences. However, I don't think there is any way to identify the On Jorri with the easterners.
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