> Ah, but DO Gloranthan cultures do this? I know what crop mixing method
> you're talking about--Lots of east coast Indians did this.
Exactly so. And I don't know if Gloranthan=20
cultures do. I asked about Corn, and it doesn't
seem to be specifically stated anywhere. So I=20
thought "why waste a perfectly good
> But I had the impression (not based on any sources I could cite) that
> the two big corn growing areas of Peloria and Ignorance rely on Corn
> corn and blood rather than corn beans and squash.
It certainly seems Ignorance relies on blood.=20 Peloria (according to Peter) relies on blood insamuch as it gets the yield up. But that=20 certainly doesn't seem to necessitate that there is monoculture.
> So maybe this is better off cast as a heroquest waiting to happen--a
> way for farmers to DISCOVER that growing these three at once on the
> same plot improves the yields of all three.
Also provides better nutrition.
> But it does need a HQ to make it popular. Or perhaps even true.
Maybe its just the simple fact that using the 3=20 sisters improves the yield. Using the blood rites improves the yield a lot more. So which do you do?
> ------------------------------
(Donald R. Oddy)
> There is Kazkurtum the Dead God (ILH1 page 25) who appears to be
> the Solar ruler of the dead. Between him, Shargash, Kastok and
> Urvairinus I'd say the Dara Happens have it covered without Humakt.
You know, I had looked through ILH, but hadn't=20
noticed Kazkurtum, who certainly seems
to be lord of the dead type at least. Kastok=20
doesn't seem to be a death god, though. I'm
not convinced of Shargash, either.
Also, isn't there some hint somewhere that the=20
Bat is really the Death God of the
Rinliddi? (Or am I misremembering.) That's a modified solar pantheon, isn't =
> The Lunar pantheon will have their own death god(s) and spirits.
Do they need them? The Lunars are willing to=20 borrow and incorprate gods from elsewhere. Do you=20 need a Lunarized Death?
[Issaries the Guide of the Dead]
> Yes, that's a particularly odd split if you think about it. Two
> fairly important gods to handle a single thing. And then you've
> got Asrelia/Ty Kora Tek involved as well. If I was doing a God
> Learner style analysis I'd conclude that Humakt isn't an Orlanthi
> diety at all but a foreign import.
I can see the argument.
> I wouldn't assume that the Orlanthi set of gods can be mapped
> directly onto other theistic pantheons, never mind onto animistic
> ones.
Wouldn't want them to be. Watching these=20
discussions it has been fascinating to see
some argue for Humakt being Death, the Grim=20
Reaper himself if you will. Which, to the
Orlanthi, he might be. But who Death is to other=20
peoples remains a bit of a curiousity.
Humakt seems to be around in Peloria due to=20
Orlanthi influence, but more and more I
don't think he is the primary Death god there.
> So turning up the two Unspoken Word books that detail animist
> traditions we get the Char-un who don't appear to have death
> spirits at all - indeed binding the spirit of the dead into
> the material plance is regarded as an honour. Then the Uz have
> the Jeset practice which is the Ferryman of the dead taking
> them to Wonderhome in the underworld.
Don't have either, so thanks for the info.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 111
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