Haven't tried hoops but I didn't find a loose skirt restricting at all. It was quite amusing, my mother was warning me about all sorts of problems which just didn't happen.
>> If it wasn't for the social taboo against men in skirts I
>> reckon they would be quite popular.
>Then don't let social taboos stop you. I still think the western world
>is over-due a big dose of male emancipation.
I agree but I'm not up to leading that change, there's a heck of a lot of other baggage tied up in it.
>> I'd agree it isn't something to be physically active in which
>> is where a knee length skirt would be better.
>Or shorter, yes. Or shorts!
Having seen the colour of some girls thighs this winter definitely not. The human body seems to cope with being bare below the knee fairly well but above it requires a warm climate and no cold winds. The more sensible team a miniskirt or shorts with thick tights.
>> One thing I've noticed with clothing is that a lot is
>> designed to hinder. It seems mostly to be a status thing, to
>> show you aren't doing physical work. Which then gets carried
>> over to people who are and they have to work round the hinderance.
>Very true - that's a lot of the problem with female clothing and other
>"status" things in particular. Just think about long fingernails!
Not just female, the collar and tie belongs with high heels and tight skirts in the catagory of unnecessary and impractical clothing.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 67 *****************************************
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