have a question about the Tides, prompted by reading Men of the Sea.
Am I correct is thinking that Gloranthan tides are not the in/out in/out
daily affairs, with varying heights of high and=20
low tides, of our real world but a
slooowww creep in over a random amount of time (1D6day) followed by a
relatively quick rush back out in one day.
It strikes me that this a fairly important change from the RW and would (IF
Glorantha were subject to normal ecology) have significant changes on coasta=
ecologies - hard to think that a lot of creatures that rely on daily nutrien=
from the sea, or from the uncovering of estuary mud banks would have to chan=
their strategies.
Any marine biologists or others care to speculate what the average cockle or mussel would need to do to survive an up to 6 day long tidal cycle.
Keith Nellist.
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