> Thanks! Just some clarifications - rememember, I am writing from the poi=
> of view of modern (such as it is) Wenelia and am of the opinion that the
> ancient history and pre-history is not as important as it is made out to =
> This is especially true in light of the devastation the area suffered
> in Darkness and at the Sinking (of Slontos).
I am enjoying the debate on the various origins of Wenelian peoples and thin=
that an enterprising GM could paraphrase the various arguments into a debate
between Wenelians, who would clearly have different views of their own origi=
and debate them hotly.
I like Peter's point on the variety of cultures within the Empire, Prax and
Sartar (espcially the archaic hellenoids - ouch! they should get some cream =
those) and it seems to me that there are plenty of reasons for a mix of
cultures in Maniria. One could propose a lits that had Stag worshippers, Li=
worshippers, refugee Slontans, Beaver venerators,=20
Helerings, Durevings,......seven
different tribes of pig peoples (inlcuding the runt), and make it a feature.
My own preference would be for five piggies as that is the number of toes I
have on one foot - the Trader Princes are obviously in cahoots with one trib=
another have powerful landscape deity in their Home land, one feasts on the
flesh of bovine creatures, while another views this practice as taboo. The
fifth tribe became the Heortlings.
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