Jane Williams:
>Can someone remind me about the political situation in Pavis
KoS p176 is the best (only) source.
>Soreel gets kicked out for letting it escape, doesn't he? Who are the
>contenders for control after that? And what happens to him?
Given that SorEel is still hanging around persecuting those who helped the cradle to escape, it seems to me that he's still alive. I think he has been demoted and sent to Corflu but he still plots to revenge himself on the Sartarites and his successor.
As for the successor, Duke Raus has been mentioned. I think he will be appointed by the distant Governor-General to run civilian affairs only while the military command is left vacant (which would really piss SorEel off).
--Peter Metcalfe
I think that Raus does it for a few years an then changes/ gets booted in favour of someone else. Maybe Gim Gim gets promoted? Anyhow, I don't think it is Raus who is in charge when Argrath and the nomads takes Pavis, with the help of Argrath the dreamer. KoS is not specific who is in charge.
Ian Thompsons fine 5th edition of his Pavis series gives hints and help in this area.
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