> (me! (Rob))
> I guess it depends on whether you are viewing it
> through a given religion/cult or the evil mono-myth
> pedalled by those scurvy god learners.....
> > OK, I need a refresher on what happened at Castle
> Blue.
> (Jane = me)
> Red Goddess showed up, big fight, proved herself to
> be a late-arriving part of the Compromise.
> (me = Rob)
> You sure about that?
> I thought that she was
> ex-compromise. Hence, has other options, most
> notably including the use of chaos.
Did the Compromise ban the use of Chaos? I didn't know that.
I thought she was basically proving that she was a goddess, too.
> (Jane)
> The theory I'm putting in the Earth Tribe one, BTW,
> is that Babs Gor
> doesn't have Death, and never had. She's got a
> distorted version of Life.
> (Me! = Rob)
> Babs doesn't have death? Why on earth not? (excuse
> the pun!) She is a bloodthirsty murdering
> b*i*t*c*h!!! I like her with Death personnally.
> Makes her far morre scary IMO.
Have a good long think about the results of distorting Life/Fertility to the point that everyone, even the possessor, thinks it's Death. Now *that's* scary.
Jane Williams
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