Humakt in Dara Happa

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 23:53:49 +1200

Paul Andrew King:

> >[The myth of the "Other"] identifies the _murderer_ of Murharzarm
> >as Rebellus Terminus/Erlandus but _not_ as Terminatus.

>I suggest you reread the section. The pronoun "him" must refer to
>Death, since there is no other mentioned.

The whole argument is about the identity of Terminatus. That some myth calls the slayer of Murharzarm Death does nothing to rebut my statement that Terminatus was the weapon used.

> >As for the argument of "some supporting tradition", that's rather
> >weak considering that Plentonius spuriously identifies Doburdon
> >as Antirius.

>Yet he does not need to place the Dara Happan figure of Rebellus
>Terminus on the God's Wall to do so.

There's a guy with big bollocks on the Gods Wall. Who else is he going to name?

> >Which doesn't stop the Dara Happans or anybody else ascribing
> >the first murder to Humakt.

>So the passage which constitutes your main evidence does not "rule
>out" your view ?

I was referring to _your_ statement that the Humakti do not believe that Humakt is the sword and at the same time you acknowledge they do eleswhere. If they do recognize Humakt as the Sword then there is nothing to stop the Dara Happans from saying that Humakt is the sword. Hence your objection isn't.

> >Since the myth of the Other
> >also mentions Vinakotal and Lanatum and the myth of
> >Yelm's Disintegration doesn't, I fail to see how you
> >can say the second myth was influenced by the Orlanthi
> >with the resulting implication that the first wasn't.

>I didn't say that it was not influenced at all but the influence does
>appear to be less

The myth which you claim has the lesser influence has two Orlanthi names whereas the myth which you claim has the greater Orlanthi influence doesn't have _any_.

>Yet [the myth of the first murder] does not use the name

So what? I never claimed it did. What I did say was that the weapon was identifiable as Humakt.

>nor identify Terminatus as a God.

Neither is anybody else in the myth for that matter.

>Only as a weapon - just as in the Heortling story Orlanth uses
>the power of Death while it was not in Humakt's possession.

I refer you to the Arming of Orlanth (KoS p80) in which Humakt is clearly described as Orlanth's sword.

--Peter Metcalfe

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