> > Conclusion:
> > Vadrus was killed "in myth" by God-Learners!"
>This assumes that he wasn't killed by Chaos by Councilic actions during
>the Gbaji Wars, which would also fit. Furthermore, we know that the
>post-Nysalor Council played with Chaos quite a lot,
I'm not actually certain this is the case. The World Council used chaos in a major way only as a reaction to great fear caused by Arkat's successes. Their "Orlanth is Dead" moment comes from Lokaymadon and did not involve Chaos.
Because they were the first to discover that it could be done, I doubt that they also killed Vadrus especially since Lokaymadon was killed.
>whereas the God
>Learners would not have (usually, at least until someone goofed and
>caused the Gift Carriers).
Or awakened Dorastor. They were also capable of replacing Gods (and did) but did so without Chaos.
Another possible suspect is the EWF who also stilled Orlanth for a while. The only reason why he hasn't been brought back is that everybody knows Vadrus was such a bastard, why bother?
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 113
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