I haven't seen much written about the Law rune but the way I tend to see it and the Chaos rune is like the Law/Chaos balance in the Elric and Eternal Champion books. Law then becomes associated with authority, stasis, tradition and predictability. So Mostali and Brithini are probably the people most connected to law.
>For those of you who aren't familiar with Ars magica the Runic Sorcery I'm
>putting together functions roughly like this.
>For a firebolt the sorcerer needs to invoke the rune of Change (motion)
>and the rune of Fire.
>For healing the sorcerer needs the runes of Man and Harmony or, for
>regeneration and the like, Man and Life.
>To mentally dominate somebody you need Man and Mastery, and so forth.
>Law and Chaos are still giving me trouble.
I'd involve Law with spell for making things, especially complex things where all the bits must work together correctly. Chaos is used where something should act contrary to its natual manner.
>I'm also wondering about vampirism and undeath. Do vampire like spells and
>mastery of undeath use the Death rune, or does one need an Undeath
>(Hunger) rune, as I've seen occasionally.
You could use Death and Chaos for this is you want to keep the number of runes down.
>I'd like to limit the runes for sorcery to the most common and primal
>ones. I'm not going to have an Ice rune, for instance. To create ice
>invoke Water and Darkness (for the cold).
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ ------------------------------
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