Re: Runic powers

From: Paul Andrew King <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 00:48:32 +0100

My understanding is that Law underlies Sorcery as well as Wizardry. Wizards are primarily religious while Sorcerors have a "scientific" attitude, treating the universe as impersonal forces to be used. Sorcery still relies on the ordered nature of the universe ("Natural Law") to operate.

Chaos is rule-breaking, taboo-busting and treats all forms of order - natural, social, moral - with contempt. Using Chaos, then would be a way of doing things that "can't be done". But it carries severe risks because by its nature Chaos is opposed to the rules of reality that allow sorcery to work. Not only is Chaos uncontrollable in itself (and liable to "leak") it will affect the spells which utilise it in unpredictable and usually unpleasant ways (from merely "icky" to downright Lovecraftian).

Sorcerous Undeath is IMHO likely a form of Tapping - Tap people for their life force to extend your own existence. I doubt that it uses the Death Rune because that is inimical to Vampires.

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