Re: Law and Chaos

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:17:35 +0200 (CEST)

Greg Stafford

> I would say that, at this time, it would be more appropriate to call the
> dualty cosmos/chaos.

> Cosmos = the entire created, knowable universe.
> Chaos = the uncreated universe.

For an Inner World denizen, it's almost
Mundane World
Intruding overdose of Myth

IMO it doesn't take Chaos (uncreated universe) to cataclysmically destroy the Inner World. When you get very strong manifestations of myth with the accompanying disregard to mortal scale (mountain chains rising as dragons or giants, human superheroes growing to a scale to fight them on equal footing) destruction of those parts of the mundane world which gets sucked up into the action is inevitable.

Imagine a direct confrontation between the Black Eater (manifestation of Kyger Litor at the Battle of Night and Day) and the Whitewall Storm (as a manifestation of Thunderous), and what will be left of the surroundings.

And consider that the Hero Wars are about going beyond these "limited conflicts". Even if Chaos would lean back and watch the other forces slug it out, a cataclysm will be there, the end of the world as we know it.

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