> > Mikko:
> >
> > >What kinds of assosiations (read magic, powers) would you think the
> > >following pair has:
> >
> > >Law / Chaos
> There have been some good answers to this already, but I'd just like to
> elaborate a bit on the subject of Undeath. There are essentialy two very
> different sorts of Undeath. Chaotic based and Darkness based.
And the other sorts as well. Kralori use zombie-powered galleys, I believe, and they are normally neither chaotic nor dark. Orathorn supposedly uses undead, in my game they use all kinds but I am not sure of the official approach, but maybe they are dark, although I think they are death-based. In RQ days, shamans could raise zombies and skeletons, but that was a game mechanic rather than a statement of what they could do, but I think that some ancestor cults would be able to raise the dead as zombies to defend their descendants. There is a very ancient village in present-day Turkey whose name escapes me (damned old age) who kept the remains of their ancestors within their houses, I can see these as being zombies in a gloranthan concept - "We need to chase away broo, grandson? Let's go and ask my grandad".
There was a zombie/lich in Sun County who was a priest who was so old he basically forgot that he had died and just carried on.
Mikko Rintasaari:
> :>I'm also wondering about vampirism and undeath. Do vampire like spells
> :>and mastery of undeath use the Death rune, or does one need an Undeath
> :>(Hunger) rune, as I've seen occasionally.
> [Donald helps me]
> :You could use Death and Chaos for this is you want to keep the number
> :of runes down.
Keeping the number of rules down! In new Glorantha!! That's a good one, I nearly fell off my chair.
> Except... hmm. Zorak Zoran also messes about with the undead, and I don't
> think Delecti is supposed to be Chaotic as such.
> But I'll remember your suggestion. Chaos & Death is obviously the easy way
> to do it. Perversion of Death.
Better to keep Undead, I think, just because it is a really nice idea. Although, having Death create undead really annoys the Humakti.
In the olden days of RQ2, Cacodemon had zombies as well, but lost them in the RQ3 writeup, but he gained Vomit Acid so that made it all OK.
I reckon a lot more folks have undead than they let on. It's not always a bad thing, either.
Peter Metcalfe:
> :Vivamort's power, according to Tales #8, came from the Void. Not
> :even Cults of Terror gave him the Death Rune.
But it did give him the Undead Rune (a cross between Death and Life I think).
> Luckily the game is not running yet, so I still have time to work on these
> things and polish the relations of the runes.
I wouldn't be too worried about getting the runes right. Powers and attitudes are far more important than runes, in my opinion.
See Ya
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 187
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