> I'm not convinced of this difference, I think Vingans are regarded
> as men in women's bodies by Heortlings. This attitude comes from
> their view that those who follow Orlanth are male and those who
> follow Ernalda are female irrespective of their physical attributes
> or sexual preferences.
I think it is a mistake to see Vinga and Nandan as being identical but from the other perspective. Nandan is explicitly described as being a cult for women in male bodies and from the evidence of no subcults, appears to have tiny membership. Vinga provides a route for women to access Orlanth magic and roles - but explicitly maintains (for most subcults) their long-term femininity/fertility. And from the number of subcults, it would appear to have significant numbers of membership (as well as significantly notable members).
A further memory is that Greg at one of the Convulsions past stated that one of the several reasons that Kallyr did not ultimately succeed was that she was never accepted by the more conservative/up-country/redneck Heortlings into their Kingship role because she was a woman.
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