>> :It makes an interesting progression. Girls who accept sleep early,
>> :putting all their trust in others, are destined to be "good wives and
>> :mothers."
>> I think this shows a (false) modern USA bias.
>Just curious - why do you ascribe this bias to the US in particular? What
>does the US have to do with Stephen?
>I agree that it's false, I just don't get the specific national identity
>you're giving it.
I wondered about that too, considering I've been to the US three times in my life.
And please note that I put those irony-quotes around the phrase '"good wives and mothers"' for a reason...
My assuption is that the further you go into the initiation rites, the greater your destiny - and the less likely you are to be content with normal family life. I could equally have said that boys who drop out of the men's initiation early, thus showing their lack of independence and drive, will make "good husbands and fathers.".
After all, heroes, visionaries and leaders - of either sex - often don't fit well into the routine of village and stead, and can make for 'challenging' and even 'interesting' (in the Chinese curse sense) life-partners for those lucky enough to get involved with them... (Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it will lead to much drama!).
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