>>* (about as likely as Kallyr is a double agent)
*>Let me think about that one, after all, every time the Lunars have beaten
>the Sartarites in the last 20 years or so, she's been involved - then
>maybe not :)
Ah, but Kallyr and Minaryth are responsible for the Dragonrise, ultimately
one of the biggest reversals the Lunars have ever had. At the
Dragonrise(1625), many of the most senior Lunar officials are devoured by
the dragons (although King Moirades and Pharandros were probably not there).
The impact of the Dragonrise on the Lunars should not be understated - most
of the key figures of the Lunar Provinces (and even many key figures in the
Heartlands) were devoured by the dragon and lost to the Goddess and the
Empire. Generals, priests, nobles, magicians, heroes and would-be heroes -
all lost. This is a worse disaster for the Lunars than was the Night of
Horrors - and, unfortunately, it is inflicted solely on the Lunar leadership
(the Night of Horrors decimated the Lunars but it also destroyed the Pentans
who took centuries to recover).
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