I *like* all these ideas! The Rebellion, being the good guys, would never do anything morally questionable by C21 standards, would they? :) Or even by their own standards!
> Well, I have Kallyr trusting him implicitly, but I imagine
> most others are suspicious of him, being LM and a city dweller!
I'm sure of it. He's weird. He's not one of us.
> But there is nothing to suggest in
> Wyrms Footprints that even Fazzur has any idea that MP is a
> member of the Iron Ring of Sartar is there?
Movement week, sea season, 1613.
"...further, these personages are placed under edict and cursed by the
Goddess: Minaryth Purple, Sage; Urrrggh the Ugly, troll; Hofstaring
Treeleaper, Rune Lord. May their souls wither and their brains rot..."
"So it is stated, and so decreed, by Valishor Longear, High Priestess of
Yara Aranis and Chief of the Occupying Forces. My word is that of the
Goddess. Heed it well."
That's before Fazzur gets there, but it's a strong hint that someone didn't like Minaryth. A response to "Hofstaring's" Flood, from the look of the dates.
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