_Storm Tribe_ (ST) says that he helped Orlanth in the
Land of the Dead so that Orlanth could go on with the
Lightbringer's Quest, and implies that that Yinkin did
not go on that quest. However, ST isn't clear whether
this Land of the Dead was the surface world during the
Great Darkness, or the actual Underworld.
ST also places Yinkin among the living gods like Elmal and Vinga, implying that he only went to the Underworld to hold his part of Arachne Solara's Net. However, at least one official version of the Lightbringer's Quest places Yinkin in the Underworld, nailed to the wall in the Emperor's Cold Court. (Nicely illustrated in _King of Dragon Pass_, by the way.)
We've got tentative answers to this question for our game (I'm playing a Yinkini), but I'd still welcome suggestions.
Rob Helm
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