I guess so, however in the Tales #20 Cradle story, I've got him starting off as a prisoner on board the Cradle, desperately hoping he can get a message out to his Uncle Sor Eel to save the Giant Baby from the barbarians (he doesn't twig that they are actually defending it)!
>Wander over to the whitewall group or wiki
>and I'm sure we can come up with ideas...
I must do - John Hughes's Whitewall presentation at the German RQ Con last year (2004) was great.
>Donald? Can you fit Jaxarte into your maze of minor
>Lunar NPCs somewhere? Can we involve him in one of our
>caravan ambushes?
Or maybe he's the sort of guileless schmuck who's sent into the city as hostage, or is seeking donations for General Roan-Ur's "Preserve the Children" Fund or something.
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