RE: rules encumbering players

From: Grawe, Philipp <pgrawe_at_...>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 09:47:51 +1000

> From: Mikko Rintasaari [mailto:mikrin_at_...]
> The GM/narrator runs the game with a system he likes. The GM keeps all
> the character sheets (preferrably on the computer for easy reference),
> and is the only person who needs to know anything about the gaming
> system.
> The players get to throw the dice, but don't know the values and stats
> they are throwing against.

Without wanting to get into a lengthy discussion of narrating styles, I find that that takes too long. As a GM I'd be constantly explaining to people why they're throwing dice or what they are throwing for.

RQ was always complex enough that during a combat people had to be able to grab a handful of dice, throw them and say "Hit the broo on the left for 8 to the head", otherwise it got down to "Ok, <throws dice> I hit, that's <throws dice> 8 damage, to the <throws dice> 19, which is his <looks up table> head!". You've got 4 or 5 other players looking on doing nothing and you're watching the speed and intensity of the game go out the window.

I find Herowars fairly elegantly circumvents that problem by simplifying the whole combat scenario down to "I'm charging the Broo on the left with my shield and while he's reeling backwards, I'm going to try to bury my axe in his skull. Bidding 25 <rolls dice>". You're much more heavily encouraged to create an entertaining situation which other people are happy to watch or be involved in.

All IMO, of course.


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