Re: A smallish Big Table

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 12:22:58 +0200

Alex 'n' Jeff :

> > Quick straw poll: do the following numbers "reality check" (or at
> least
> > fit with the living standards in HW:RiG), as interpreted as "total
> > worth"? (As opposed to as buying resistance.)
> >
> >
> > Wealth rating Quantity
> >
> > 10 1 cow
> > 15 4 cows
> > 5W 15 cows
> > 15W 60 cows
> > 5W2 250 cows
> > 15W2 1000 cows
> I'd say 5 Wealth is 1 cow (or a few sheep... can't forget sheep)

Maybe 1 cow = more than 5 Wealth ? I believe so. Default Wealth is 6, right?
Presumably, beggars and stickpickers and their ilk have zero cows.

> And a Clan Chief should have a wealth of... 10w2 and he's not going to
> have 250 cows. Probably more like 100-200.

Presumably, a Clan Chief won't have ALL of his Wealth tied up as cows.... ;-)

> Or am I out with my numbers?

Think so..

If 1 cow = 10 Wealth, then the numbers should (according to my own theory) be :

Wealth rating                              Quantity

10                                         1 cow
15                                         2 cows
5W                                         8 cows
15W                                        30 cows
5W2                                        125 cows
15W2                                       500 cows

Jeff's 10w2 Clan Chief would have an income of 250 cows-worth .

How many cow-values does an averagely Wealthy person (TN 10) own IYO ?

TR p.37 sez :

Carl, worth 25 cattle (wergeld), owns a stead and 42+ cattle. Thane, worth 50 cattle.
Noble (inc. Clan Chieftain), worth 100 cattle. Tribal King, worth 200 cattle.
Overking, worth 500 cattle.
High King, worth 2000 cattle.

According to HW, a carl has 15 Wealth.

Hmmmmm : looks like the Wealth numbers are SLIGHTLY broken ........

Probably, the wergeld numbers are a more realistic assessment of Worth than any actual numbers of cows.

A beggar, with nothing, has a notional Wealth of 5 (actually 6, with a +1 from people's generosity maybe).
A man with a cow might be worth 6, and a man with a cow and the land to feed it from worth 7.

So :

Wealth rating Quantity Wergeld

5                 0 cows           1 cow
10                5 cows           2 cows
15                10 cows          6 cows
5W                40 cows          25 cows (Carl)
10W               80 cows          50 cows (Thane)
15W               150 cows         100 cows (Clan Chieftain)
20W               300 cows         200 cows (Tribal King)
5W2               600 cows         400 cows
7W2               750 cows         500 cows (Overking)
15W2              2500 cows        1500 cows
17W2              3000 cows        2000 cows (High King)

So, Carls have a Wealth of 5W. Makes sense.

In HW terms, it'd be the best ability in the 100-word description ...

Julian Lord

PS These calculations would be MUCH easier using *money-values*.

How many Lunars is a (living, healthy) cow worth IYO ?

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