Re: HW as a concept, and _Adding_ abilities, wealth and wells

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 15:16:32 -0000

> Odd that it's used to express your chances of being able to buy
> then. If you want social authority, but a social authority ability.

Let me put it to you this way: our society does not recognise the capacity to buy stuff is social authority. But that is what it is; the capacity to command the market, which is by definition the productive behaviour of society.

> And if, for some mad reason, I want to relate this "character
> _in any way at all_ to the rest of the game world? I'm stuffed,
> right?

You're stuffed trying to find a mechanically predictable way to do it. You have to fall back on contextual judgement.

> I amn't in the least bothered about the cross-cultural stuff. Give
> me guidelines that would work for _just one culture_, and I'd be a
> happy man.

Thats what the TN list in HW is.

> And as _I_ explained previously, this is an unhelpful and incorrect
> generalisation. This is _precisely_ the thinking that will lead you
> down the path of "spend a few HPs and become as rich as the Red
> Emperor".

If a player wants to spend 75HP on wealth, more power to them. But I bet there'll be few of them. If, however, you say "my acquisition of x cows gives me y points for free, or for 1 HP", you will end up there far faster and with less in-game rationale.

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