Re: Re: Initiates & Devotees

From: Wulf Corbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:03:05 +0000

On Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:42:27 -0000, "simon_hibbs2" <simon.hibbs_at_...> wrote:

>I'd rather start off most of my PCs as Initiates and see how
>the characters develop. I can't stomach the idea that improvised
>enhancements and feats (effectively all Initiate Affinity use)
>is at a penalty, and I can't see how to justify allowing
>Initiates to improvise enhancements, while penalising their
>use of obviously enhancing feats.

Feats are 'secrets' learned only by those deeper in the religion. Initiates just let the magic of their deity wash over them. They don't say "Give me the use of your Leap Over Water feat", they just jump and yell "HELP!" In player terms, they just say "I'll try and augment with my Movement Affinity", and the Narrator decides EXACTLY what happens. It's never been a problem with us, even with a -10 penalty for Initiates Improvising feats (including one of my own characters who will insist on attempting specific feats...). Almost everyone just uses Augments anyway, and those that care seem to all agree this makes Devotee status far more desirable, and makes that status far more special without unfairly penalising Initiates - they still get full ability to Improvise.

>How do you run Swordhelp then?

It's an augment. Not every one is a winner.


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