Re: Following the Leader....

From: themalum <rmv1_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 21:28:00 -0000

> > One would assume that Heler's leadership subcult was
> > either: 1) worshipped primarily by Helerings to whom
> > Heler would have been more important; or, 2) nonexistent,
> > since Heler is Orlanth's "staunchest ally".
> I imagine that #1 is definitely true. #2 is false, I think, as
> Heler ruled a vast people once.

I don't really give it much credence, either, but I like to play Wakboth's Advocate with my own ideas, as well as those of others...

> His "sidekick" role is more a factor of how the Heortlings see
> him than any inherent quality.

I agree completely; note the "among the Heortlings" bit in my original post.

> Of course, the Helerings are mostly (completely?) dead now,
> and any sub-cults that might give leadership magics on a par
> with Dar are unknown to the Heortlings. As we've seen, Maran
> is worshipped differently in Tarsh and Sartar, so why not
> Heler? Certainly if a Heler-worshiping player characters wanted to
> quest for the lost secrets of Helering leadership, it would be a
> mean-spirited Narrator who would deny any chance of success....

I would say that this is definitely on the money. I note the use of evasive language in Thunder Rebels and (most especially) Storm Tribe regarding the ultimate fate of the Helerings. I note also that "as a god, so it's people" (and vice versa) seems to apply in Glorantha, and, while Heler was mostly frozen in the Darkness, one drop escaped. Does this indicate isolated Helering settlements along the Choralinthor Bay, or further west? The references breed many ideas that would definitely lend themselves well to a Helering PC's attempts to "reinvigorate" Heler to lend Orlanth more strength in the upcoming battles...


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