Re: Magical Augments - A little extreme?

From: David Cake <dave_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 12:54:56 +0800

>IMO this is a fairly accurate depiction of Gloranthan magic.
>Gloranthan magicians access higher planes of reality, and create
>manifestations of supradimensional energies within the Inner World.
>As such, they transcend the normal three-dimensional limitations of
>mundane powers. The ability to add many dubyas (or "wibbles") to
>their powers within this world stems from the fact that they are,
>in effect, operating at higher levels of magnitude than the Muggles.
>viz. any good Alan Moore "Magick" rant ever published.

        Fah! I'm a connoiseur of Alan Moore Magick rants myself, but I'm also familiar with good game rules. The problem isn't the number of too many wibbles, its the how.

        THe problem is not the guys with incredibly high abilities, its the guys with big abilities being wasted by the guys who aren't as good and have a few rounds to prepare.

        And, to put it another way, the guy who can access the higher plane of reality being smacked down by the guy with better time management.

        That ain't mythic (or Magick). It undermines mythic.

        Now, people getting big extra augments from their wyter, or big rituals, or their patron demon, or whatever is fine. But this isn't it.

> > "You can't augment twice off the same affinity."
>I sort of agree with this as a basic principle, but I can think
>of a dozen exceptions off the top of my head. And I would let my
>players do the same ...

        If you feel the need, make subsequent augments edges only. Big edges satisfy narrative concerns generally, but don't change the contest as badly.

>PPS & What about Spirits, Spells, and various Mystic powers ??
>That rule doesn't work at all with these ...

        They are increased separately. Given the general inefficiency of augment, its not a problem at all. Well, actually, with spells the same rule should apply apply - only one augment from the same Grimoire, as its analogous.


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