Re: Magical Augments - A little extreme?

From: Julian Lord <julian.lord_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 22:15:27 +0200

Wesley :

> We have begun to encounter some obscene augmentation and I wanted to
> check with this group to see what they thought.

I've been wondering how long it'd take for this thread to appear ... ;-)

> Here is the situation:
> ...
> Given time to prepare the Humakti can raise his close combat to
> 18w6!!!
> Now, we can't decide if this is a true depiction of how deadly a hero
> that has time to prepare can be - or if this represents a broken system.
> For the time being we are assuming the former.
> Any thoughts?

IMO this is a fairly accurate depiction of Gloranthan magic.


Gloranthan magicians access higher planes of reality, and create manifestations of supradimensional energies within the Inner World.

As such, they transcend the normal three-dimensional limitations of mundane powers. The ability to add many dubyas (or "wibbles") to their powers within this world stems from the fact that they are, in effect, operating at higher levels of magnitude than the Muggles.

viz. any good Alan Moore "Magick" rant ever published.


Julian Lord

Acronyms generally deleted, but :


Nick :

> "You can't augment twice off the same affinity."

I sort of agree with this as a basic principle, but I can think of a dozen exceptions off the top of my head. And I would let my players do the same ...

PPS & What about Spirits, Spells, and various Mystic powers ?? That rule doesn't work at all with these ...

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