Re: Pointless abilities

From: moonbroth <Nick_at_...>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:25:21 -0000

Benedict replied:

> Already tasted and, err, found to be unpalatable by some, as part
> of the dread 'Broad abilities' thread, if you cast your mind back.

I can and do. Your contribution to that thread is indeed a fine thing, and one I very much sympathise with, but it wasn't exactly what I'd call "informal" or "assigned on the fly". I think this is because it was willy-nilly hitched to the unsavoury and badly thought out "broad abilities" concept for making clean rules clunkier.

For the record, I agree completely with your contention that "For such abilities to really work, narrow abilities must have a bonus, and the narrower the ability, the greater the bonus."

Cheers, Nick

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