Re: Affinity and Mythology (was A thought on limiting improvisation)

From: wulfcorbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:12:38 -0000

Our F1 performance has lacked a bit recently :-(

> Of course they have to know it, but the fact that they know it in
> game-mechanical terms is represented by their affinity (or stand
> alone feat) rating and by the name of the feat written on the
> Why inventing cross relations with another ability?

Well, firstly remember I said initially that I had CONSIDERED using Mythology this way, but decided not to - for precisely this reason. But I do still think there should be a tie between the two (I would certainly, for example, allow Augmenting Mythology with a suitable Affinity at no action cost - maybe not vice versa, as that would be an easy way to boost magical ability).  

> Different is the case of narrating the moment when a character
> improvises or discovers or cements a new feat.

Actually that was the whole point of the discussion :-) Or, at least, it was MY point... could be something got confused in the telling...


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