Re: Salable rules sets (and scalable too)

From: wulfcorbett <wulfc_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:00:40 -0000

> First is to ease the narrators job. Is it not much simpler to
> the number once, after working out the factors that affect the
> story? That does not mean that situation modifiers should not be
> applied when the story is told, it just means that all previously
> known factors are applied before the story starts. And it doesn't
> mean that the number, once assigned, cannot change radically in a
> future episode.

Here's another point. Maintaining a coherent, consistant scale on which all similarly-named abilities work, does not in any way prevent anyone from changing them as they see fit.

NOT maintaining that scale means EVERYONE will have to make adjustments whether they want to or not, if they want to compare abilities from unlike scales.

Therefore, not having such a scale is a restriction on the way the game can be played. Why force players into one way of playing?


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