Re: spirits as followers

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 14:41:54 EDT

In a message dated 16/10/02 09:47:17 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

<< Bison tribal Khan and has spent eight years living with the bison folk of Prax.
 I was going to give him a spirit as a follower, an old ancestor spirit that would give out advice whether the hero needed it or not. I was going to give it a few mental abilities as well as its might. It would increase as the hero improved as normal follower rules but I hadn't decided yet if I was going to do that.
 Could shamans keep spirits as followers? >>

I've let a shaman in my game have a spirit as an ally. It acts just like any other ally. I've let a theist have his own shadow as a follower. I see no game balance issues with doing this. In fact it has been easier to justify the game mechanics of this than of owls, horses, and assorted other peculiar followers.

We are unclear on how a Fetch works. His fetch is a hawk, or is it in the form of a hawk, or does he just have a hawk that the fetch inhabits sometimes, or is it a spirit hawk that only exists in the spirit plane etc.

The worst thing about animism, in my relatively limited experience, is the single character "hogging" the limelight while they get spirits. I guess the answer is to abstract it to speed it up, or make it an episode that everyone can take a part in somehow.


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