Re: Missiles and defending

From: miker19036 <miker_at_...> <miker_at_...>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:40:39 -0000

Well, it all comes down to what exactly is being defended with. If one of my players is being shot at by a bowman and says "I block the shots with my shield", and they're armed with a spear & shield and have the necessary CC style, it's all good. The shield is an appropriate defense, and they know how to use it along with their spear. If they say "I'm going to knock them out of the air with my sword", and all they have is a sword or sword & shield style for their CC, I'll chuckle and say "'Kay. Minus <some indication of how evil I'm feeling>." Now, if they have arrow cutting...

As far as the bowman defending himself, it depends on what his defending action is. If it's something like "I'm going to lose my last arrow right in his face as he charges me," then he gets to defend with his full RC. If he doesn't have this option, then he's going to have to rely on something else. Trying to defend normally with his RC is going to be a hefty penalty, and my put his bow at risk.

Mike Ryan

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