Taglines for Hero Points

From: Kmnellist_at_...
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 01:13:25 EST

I've been trying to think of a way of getting a tagline style mechanic into Hero Wars. (from The Dying Earth RPG, also by Robin Laws), but feel that the Vancian style of Dying Earth taglines is not entirely appropriate for Heroic Glorantha, nor is any particular style of speech ubiquitous. Here is my current idea:

Instead of giving players a free Hero Point at the start of each session, they need to put in some work, hopefully to inspire the Narrator to come up with something interesting and to guide the narrative in their favour. In order to do this they need to come up with some dialogue (technically "monologue" since it is just them speaking), a sentence or perhaps two, that is worthy of their Hero. The Narrator will assess the likelihood of the dialogue being appropriate and assign directed Hero Points on the following basis:

If the line is vague and could be used in almost any situation it is worth one Hero Point. Basically, if you come up with something you get a Hero Point to bump any contest where the line can be sensibly used. This Hero Point cannot be used to increase abilities, merely bump a contest result. The line can be kept for future sessions if not used.

If the line plays upon a specific character flaw or personality trait such that it could only be used in situations involving that ability then it is worth a Hero Point, but can only be used appropriately, including increasing an appropriate ability at the end of the session.

The line that is used in the most amusing way during the session is awarded an extra Hero Point.

I am tempted to give the players more than one tagline to make up for the more restricted use of them.


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