Re: Re: unconnected questors?

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:34:52 -0800

> > A problem for the Communal wanting to quest for himself: since
> crossing over
> > needs a high amount of power, how is a communal worshipper going to
> do it?
> > He needs to convince someone to get him to the Other Side, and what
> priest
> > is going to agree to sending an (obviously) unqualified person into
> the Hero
> > Plane? A communal worshipper with the power to go by himself is
> something
> > *really* special -
> Ah, like a player hero......(sure, CW heros won't be the most common
> thing, but with the advent of common magic they'll exist. For
> certain my questions were in part inspired by a character idea or two
> that I have...).

Well, a CW dropped into the HeroPlane would probably last as long as, say, me dropped into the middle of the Gulf War.

Common Magic (unless you change it with a house rule) won't provide enough oomph to make much of an effect on the Hero Plane, and pretty much by definition, that's all the magic a CW will have (from his culture/religion, anyway). Common Magic *only* provides augments - and no-one with a shred of intelligence is going to spend 20 HP to get another +1 from his common magic. Now, you *could* make a house rule that Common Magic works like "real" magic in the Hero Plane, but it doesn't as written.

Now, wearing the skin of the White Bear, our carrying Stormbringer, or claiming the One Ring might be a way around this, but most heroes won't have this level of magical support available to them. A person using only Common Magic is pretty much at the bottom of the line when it comes to magical power. Is it possible for a capital-H Hero to use only Common Magic? Of course. Is it easy? Hell no!


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