Re: Re: Liturgists and limitations

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 11:16:48 -0700

Jeff <jakyer_at_...> wrote:
>> I just read that section and it looked like it was just one
> although I
>> believe he has the option of doing additional ones for individuals
> if they
>> ask nice.
>> Oliver
> I read it as all common plus one special.

Yes, but the question is, say a liturgist has more than one scripture, and he's running a worship service. What happens?

  1. He picks a single one of his scriptures (e.g. "The Abiding Book") and the worshippers get all the common blessings plus one special blessing *from that scripture*? or,
  2. He takes every scripture he has a skill with ("The Abiding Book", "A History of My Black Horse Troop", "The Discordian Bible"...), and his worshippers get all the common blessings from *each* of those scriptures, plus one special blessing from any of them?

As I read the rules, it's (a). Am I misunderstanding things? (I'd think each scripture has its own liturgical text, containing all the blessings. If you try to add the blessings from another scripture, you're, essentially, holding a second service after the first one finishes, doublng the time needed.)

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