Re: Extended Contest - Argument Overridden

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:14:10 -0000

Not at all. The cavalry officer is thill an independent characetr with free will, if he wants to switch abilities and push past, or even attack the soldier he's free to do so. However the current AP situation remains, only the abilities the characters are using and their notional goals have changed.

In fact the cavalry officer can attack on his action phase, when he chooses ability and AP bet, and the foot soldier can carry on firing off insults during his, using his swear liek a trooper and the cavalry officer defending with an apropriate abiolity (Pig Headed perhaps?). Then it's a matter of whether the cavalry officer pushes past, or the foot soldier destroys his self respect to the point he slinks off in disgust first.

Simon Hibbs

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