Re: Magic Items and Secrets

From: David Dunham <david_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 18:08:11 -0800

Dr Pachyderm

>I made it explicit that the players could define what the items do
>(like if someone were to take "Salt of the Earth" during character
>creation without defining it and then thought of something later). The
>player who bought the Salt said that he wants it to make it possible
>to heal wounds more than one step at a time. You rub the salt into the
>wound and then you can heal it again or something. Anyway, it would do
>what you normally need a Secret to do and make suffering defeat in
>combat relatively meaningless as long as someone is around to heal.
>What should I do? My instinct says to just say no, but in the past few
>years I've been trying to say yes to as much as possible because that
>seems to work better.

Don't forget "yes, but." Possible "buts:"

Then it's used up.

It leaves a horrible scar.

It's rubbing salt into the wound -- yes, it heals you, but you're in terrible pain for at least the next scene.

It only works once per (RuneQuest-style) hit location.

Trolls can tell you're pre-seasoned, and want to eat you.

And yes, if it's a magic item, it starts at 13 (the Salt might be way more powerful, but you haven't yet learned how to apply it efficiently).


David Dunham   dunham_at_...
Glorantha/HW/RQ page:
Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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