Re: Esrolian "cultural hero"? (or equivalent)

From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2003 23:24:14 +0100

[this is a transfer from HQ-RPG as the post is mostly keywords, abilities, affinities, etc.]


> >Btw, IMG, Lhankor Mhy had 12 daughters, the Muses, who taught the
> >esrolian women how to build houses, count, write poetry, remember
> >history, etc.

[Ah, rereading, it's 9, not 12. But hey, some more could easily be added]

Argrathi :
> Do you have any keywords, affinities, names or feats for these?

As I said, not much written apart from the Philosophy goddess (my wife playing a devotee of this particular goddess). For that one, she wrote myths and cult organisation (such as it is), etc.

Anyway, here is what we now have, after thinking a bit about these little goddesses :

The Nine Daughters of Lhankor Mhy

The Nine Daughters of Lhankor Mhy are small cults known only in Esrolia. They are collectively called the civilising muses because they helped during the reconstruction of Esrolia after the Great darkness. But this common denomination covers very different goddesses.

Lynkha, goddess of Logics and Philosophy: The rebel daughter of Lhankor Mhy. Her vision of knowledge is quite different from that of her father : she considers that there is not one Truth and you have to help people finding their own version of it. She prefers discussions and verbal games to definitive texts. She gives counsels and provides 'tools' to free your mind from 'set in stone' ways. The relations between the two cults are sometimes tensed as Lynkha worshippers see Lhankhor Mhy initiates as calcified and the grey beards see the philosophers as dangerous agitators.

Abilities: Philosophy, Speak for Hours, Understand Other Person, Give Advice, Mythology of Lynkha
Virtues: Curious, Tolerant, Critical Mind Affinities:
* Philosophy [Prove Lhankor Mhy is Wrong, Freedom of Thought, Ask the
Good Questions, Protect Mind]
* Knowledge [Analyse Event, Learn from Others, Understand Difference,
Find an Answer, Perfect Memory]
* Logics and Mathematics [Square the Circle, Understand Signs,
Mathematical Writings, Logical Deduction]

Jasaena the Architect:
She taught women the way to build houses and temples, to make them beautiful and holy. She was the first to use earth and bricks and stone to celebrate the beauty of Esrolia. With her sister Lea, she built the first city.

Abilities: Draw Plans, Order Workers Around, Stonecutting Virtues: Patient, Artistic Vision, Conservative (or Innovative) Affinities :
* Knowledge [Know Story of a Building, Read Old Plan, Know Properties of
Materials, Bless Plan]
* Architecture [Find the Right Place, See the Final Building, Bless
Workers, Bless Building, Square Wall]
* Making [Find Perfect <Material>, Set Wood, Adjust Stones, Cut Mosaics,
Bless Statue]

Lea the Measurer:
She was the first to delimit fields and trace roads. With her sister Jasaena, she built the first city. Her cult only have a few initiates who travel along Esrolia to settle disputes concerning field limits or taxes on grain based on field surface. She's mostly worshipped as an Ernalda Allmother subcult or a Lhankor Mhy subcult.

Abilities: Keen Eye, Walk Long Distances Virtues: Honest
Affinity: Measurement [Assess Field Size, Determine Distance, See the Line, Fix Limits, Bless Road]

Dina the Astronomer:
She was the first to look at stars when they came back in the Sky after the Darkness. For a long time, stars were the only light in the sky. Some people in Esrolia still remember that it was Dina who comforted everyone then, by showing that the Earth is reflected in the Sky. By looking at the sky, she could know everything about events, peoples and fate. She's a subcult of Lhankor Mhy.

Abilities: Go without Sleep, Keen Eye, Endure Weather Virtues: Patient, Night Bird
Affinity: Astronomy [Find Star, Read Star, Name Star, Divination of Fate, Walk Among Stars]

Naliana the Historian:
She was the first to record everything that happened around her. She's sometimes called Ernalda's Memory because one day she helped the goddess by remembering a long-past event. Her initiates write down endless lists of queens, trade agreements and battles. She's a subcult of Lhankor Mhy, closely associated with the Grey Ones.

Abilities: Good Memory, Genealogy
Virtues: Live in the Past
Affinity: History [Remember Historical Event, See Past, Understand Past, Find Wisdom in Past Actions, Nothing New under the Sun]

Rime the Poetess, Balis the Playwright, Uralis the Sculptor and Doralis the Dancer:
The last four daughters are closely associated with arts and artists in general. They created the Four Great Arts that are most loved in Esrolia. Of course, initiates see plays (or poetry or whatever) as a divine gift, a prayer and a ceremony to the goddesses. The four cults tend to be closely associated and initiates were often found together when stone and earth were still a living and moving part of the world. Now that statues don't move anymore, Uralis worshippers cannot follow their more mobile brethren.

In rule terms, consider them either a subcult of Ernalda Allmother or Lhankor Mhy.
Abilities : <Art>, Awaken Feelings
Virtues : Innovative (or Conservative), Affinities :
* Poetess [Find the Right Rime, Quick Quatrain, Compose Hymn, Perfect
* Playwright [All is Well that Ends Well, Deus Ex Machina, Wear Another
Mask, All Will Hear Me]
* Sculptor [See Shape in Stone, Bless Tools, Reproduce Shape, My Work
Will Endure, Voice of the Stone]
* Dancer [Move your Body, Harmonious Step, Supple Body, Lightness]

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