RE: Re: magical vs.mundane resistance

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 12:34:25 -0600

>From: "simon_hibbs2" <simon.hibbs_at_...>

>Streight of, I'd say that an object you could easily walk around
>isn't realy an obstacle. A wall would count, but a standing
>stone or solitary tree wouldn't as it's not realy obstructing

It's just this kind of legalistic nonsense that's going to take all the fun out of magic. I want my players to explain the myth that shows how it pertains to both situations. I'm not going to tell them that the definition of the term "obstacle" means thus and such, and that they're not able to use it for other things. I mean some of them are intentionally obscure just so that players can have fun determining the meanings. I mean, if "Mile Javelin Throw" is taken literally, it will never get used. If it just means that you can throw a javelin a looong way, a reasonable interpretation, even if the orignal myth said it went a mile, then it'll get used a lot.

The words are for color, not for legalistic reduction of the abilities down to an absurd level.


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