Re: Poison

From: flynnkd2 <flynnkd_at_...>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 01:18:38 -0000

I use a similar idea (think I adopted the above and modified it).

The Tail is like a follower, but exists as a separate entity. It attacks by itself, takes damage by itself, is a target separate to itself (with its own AP).

With scorpian men I usually give them a Many-Legs skill that acts as an augment in combat, reflecting the old RQ effect of hitting legs for little effect (pinched that from someones elses post also, was a great idea!). Another option would be to treat the legs as yet another follower, and destroying that follower immobilises the scorpianman (but an attack against the Many Legs follower might result in the legs getting the scorpian mans combat skill as an augment - sort of a reciprocated augment).

So a scorpian man will have 10w claws, the sting will be a 10w Sting, and the poison it injects will have a strength (strong poison is around 5w).

In an extended combat the tail counts as a new attacker and thus causes multi-attacker effects.

A result of marginal might do damage but no poison. Minor or better injects poison. The poison then acts as a new follower and attacks the target each round with its Strength, it automatically bids 1/4 or 1/3 of its Strength as AP. This also counts as a separate attack for multi-attack. You might use the hit result (minor, major crit) to decide the AP bid level of the poison (1/4, 1/2, All).

It might sound a little complicated but you get used to it, and it certainly makes scorpian men very interesting opponents. My players dont like them )).

So a strong scorpianman might be defined as follows:

Claws 10w (+3)
Strong 5w (+3)
Big 15 (+2)
Tail 10w (+2)
Many Legs 20 (+2)
Chitin armour (+3)
Poison Strength 5w.

It would have 30+3(Claws)+3(Strong)+2(Big)+2)Legs)+3(Armour) = 43 AP The tail would have 30+3(Strong)+2(Big)+2(Tail)+3(Armour) = 40 AP The Legs might have 20+3(Strong)+2(Big)+3(Armour) = 28 AP.

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