Re: Magic items (was Transforming abilities)

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 17:29:44 -0400

I get the wall jumping thing (it's well explained with the tree-jumping example).

I realize that to use our magic Sword of the Seven Winds from earlier, if I use "Summon Howling Gale" 15W2 to summon powerful winds that tear up trees and blow down the three little pigs straw house, the resistance is 14.

But if I use , "blow away missiles" 5W, does it get resisted by my opponent's archery?

Does the Lunar charging me get to use his Strong 19 to resist the Howling Gale? (not that it does much better than the default 14.)

Or take the case of my magic potion, what does the target resist with? (I am assuming here that they have no magic ability to resist with, obviously an active magic ability can resist a magic ability. In fact, I even think it says that a common magic ability that is normally only available as an augment can be used as the resistance.)

In other words, is there any consensus on when a mundane ability can be used as resistance to magic?


On 21 May 2004 at 14:07, Roderick and Ellen Robertson wrote:

> "Default 14" is used *only* as a passive resistance. If there is a active
> ability being used against you, then you don't get the 14 default.
> If a Wall isn't preventing you from jumping over it, then Wall-jumping
> magic is resisted by 14, even if it's the Topless Walls of Troy (Tall
> 10w4). But if there is a Spirit/Daimon/Essence/Guardian of the wall that
> has "Resist Jumpers 10w3", then your magic is up against that 10w3 (even
> if it was only a "Tall 5w" garden wall in the first place - it might be
> better not to use magic, or to only augment with it, than to use it
> actively).

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