Re: Re: Magic items (was Transforming abilities)

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 18:26:28 -0400

But its supposed to be perfect!!! :=)

As you say, Mike, the 14 IS confusing. I'm just trying to work out something that works for me as an interpretation. So far the two that most easily get out of the way and cause me few problems are the "indirect" method (relying on the fact you rarely roll straight up tasks and instead it is subsumed into the conflict) and the "sentience" method (people are just fundamentally different from everything else).

I have the feeling it will end up being one of those social contract issues where me and my players will find something internally consistent for us and that will be that. :)


On 25 May 2004 at 16:51, Mike Holmes wrote:

> Not to rain on anybody's parade, but there are some, and I am one, who
> think that the book is just confusing on the subject of the default 14.
> That is, I've seen about a half-dozen ways to interpret it, all with
> merit, but all of which can be attacked pretty well from one viewpoint or
> another. My advice is just to figure out a way that works for yourself and
> stick with it. And not worry about trying to get it to fit the
> contradictions in the book.
> No game is perfect.

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