Re: The Concentration Option (Was: Questions about Lunar concentration)

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 13:20:00 -0400

Hey Mike,

On 26 May 2004 at 8:15, Mike Holmes wrote:

> Just a quick correction - Practitioners are the "equivalent" of initiates
> in terms of being one level up, and they, too do not have to concentrate
> (although they can't get spirit allies if they do not, so the ones I've
> seen have concentrated). A better way to think of it is that only Devotees
> and Shamans, the highest levels of each type of magic, must concentrate.
> Nobody else does.

Yup, slip of the keyboard. Mea Culpa.  


> The point being that the balance is between flexibility and power. That's
> hard for a player to see starting out, however, and that's why I think in
> the games I've seen that players go for the power right away. But I've
> thought that for a long term game that it would be a lot of fun to go
> unconcentrated for a long time, pick up a bunch of religions, and then
> later perhaps concentrate if one turned out to have a greater appeal for
> the character. I think it would be really interesting to have a generalist
> magic character who knew magic from all sorts of sources.
> Just some thoughts.

Good thoughts though. Something worth keeping in mind, that flexibility vs power trade off. Committing to a single worldview/magic scheme opens up doors for significantly more power, but there is an appeal to a wide-ranging dabbler if you will.

It seems Wizardry is more immune to dabbling, though.

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