Re: Re: Questions about Lunar concentration

From: Mike Holmes <homeydont_at_...>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 17:16:49 -0500

>From: "Roderick and Ellen Robertson" <rjremr_at_...>
>First, if you haven't already, take a look at page 45 of Masters of Luck
>Death for specializing in Lanbril and Donander.

As I mentioned in the previous mail, I don't have that supplement. Again, is there anything in the core book that straightens this out (any way I could have known).

>The "Not all common magic" sentence refers to the two examples. Put a
>paragraph between that sentence and "There might be variants": there might
>be other systems that, like Self-Rock, allow you to concentrate all CM

OK. Sure. I suppose in Glorantha if you look far enough that you can find anything. But there's no way in the core book to do this, is there, other than Self-Rock? My point is that the problem is that the core book doesn't say these things - you can only determine them by getting supplements. Not specifically what the differences are - you couldn't put everything in the core book. But just that there are differences. That Self-Rock is just one of many methods to concentrate Common Magic.

I have the answer now, but nobody else who's not on this list or who doesn't have the supplements has the answer. Or have I overlooked anything?

>? Not sure I follow you - you normally concentrate in "Theism" or "Sorcery"
>rather than "Orlanthi Pantheon" or "Seshnelan Malkionisim". Things like the
>Lunar, Donander and Lanbril concentrations are outside the normal rules.

And Self-Rock is also an exception. Hence the need to have the explanation of whether it's a specific exception the likes of which may be repeated elsewhere, or whether its a statement about the world as a whole. Again, just pointing out where the confusion comes from. Note that either of the following approaches would have worked to make for no confusion:

"Self-Rock Teaching is the only way in Glorantha to concentrate all Common Magic."
"Self-Rock Teaching is an example of one way to concentrate Common Magic."

Instead the book says:

"Selfrock teaching is a widespread way..."

See how that reads ambiguously? The section is either giving an example of "a" way to concentrate common magic, or it's enumerating the only exception to the normal rules that allow this special sort of concentration.

>You have access to all the "Common Religions" of your homeland (Frex,
>Heortlings only have access to the Flesh Man Religion, while Dara Happans
>have access to the People Talents, League Magic and Great Parents
>"religions"). Lanbril is basically a "Common religion" tied to the "Thief"
>occupation, rather than to a particular homeland. You don't really need to
>list any of these as a common magic provider; "Common Magic" is usually
>enough as the keyword. If you're (planning on) concentrating, then just
>count "Common Magic" as your Magic keyword.

This seems to contradict our other poster on the subject. And it seems odd. My question is, what about the skills that the Lanbril religion keyword give? Do you get those if your character is a thief and has the common magic keyword? WIthout noting it elsewhere? If I take one of these keywords, do they count against any limit, or are they like the standard religion for the homeland, available for free as an adjunct of that keyword?

I have seen characters with Lanbril or Donandar, I think. And there's the character on P25 HQ. Again, does any of this count against any limits?

> > Or do those without enumeration fail to provide more
> > than just the common magic abilities themselves (this is what I've
> > thought to be the case)?
>This is, basically, the case. Sure, there are ceremonies, etc. that
>does; count it as your 10% "Commmunity worship" requirement (BTW, No-one
>with any magic gotten from a religion has less than a 10% requirement...),
>but there aren't any sort of religious hierarchies or the like.

So, it it's not enumerated, there's no keyword to be had there? Only the ones listed in the book have keywords associated?

>Because we (authors) don't bother to list it - especially if the hero is
>concentrated, when he has to give up common magic anyway. But even if he's
>not concentrated, we don't bother to list all the abilities he might have -
>a "Keyword 19" listing is assumed to take care of piddling little "+1 or +2
>to base" abilities. We only list abilities that are important for the
>narrator to run the character, and common magic usually isn't important.

Really? So the lack of mention of common magic for most characters was an intentional omission? What made Vai Mader Sa so important, then, for the guy on P25 that it got listed there? Or is that different somehow? Is it that you only listed ones with keywords associated? Hmmm.


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