Re: RE: Urox's Wapentake - integrating spirits for a theist

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 11:18:49 -0700

> >I need some enlightment about the Urox' Secret which allows a theist
> >of Urox to integrated practice spirits of the Storm Bull.

Remember that:

It was written before HQ, which means it pre-dates the rules for concentration.

It's a Capital-S Secret, which makes it a little outside the borders of "Normal" magic rules.

> >Does it mean:
> >- he is, in all points of view, like a storm bull practicer (gaining
> >practice fetishes or charms, just spending HPs on it, of course without
> >benefit of concentrated animism)
> >- he can just have charms (thus, without using the spirits as active
> >abilities)
> My guess is that he functions as a Storm Bull practitioner (charms, fetish
> and spirit ally) and that he gains storm bull magic at concentrated costs.

Correct. Think of it as a "concentration in Urox/StormBull magic" - (As a devotee he can't have any other theistic magic - not even common magic feats - so he's not losing out...). (Note that the animist version of Storm Bull gets the similar benefit from their secret - They get Uroxi Affinities & feats. And if you include the not-currently-official Aoelian version cult of St. Taurox, you get Spells as well!).

Odaylans, on the other hand, pay "not concentrated" HP for Beast Charms, but it doesn't screw up their Theistic Concentration.

BTW, the answer to the "Counter Concentration" question of a week ago is answered on HQ 108, the paragraph about backsliding. If you learn (I'd include "use" as well) a magic outside of your Concentration, you lose the Concentration (including devotee or shaman status).

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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